Walking in Honeycomb Cave, Mole Creek

The karst landscape of Tasmania’s Mole Creek area is famed for its caves. One of the most accessible is Honeycomb Cave.

Caves are not safe places, and the open nature of Honeycomb Cave can be deceptive.  In June 2015 a visitor to Honeycomb Cave suffered a serious fall.  Watch the ground and do not step anywhere you cannot see clearly.  Do not go out of sight of daylight if you are not a trained and equipped caver.

Getting there

The entrance to Honeycomb Cave, like most known caves in the Mole Creek area, lies within part of the Mole Creek Karst National Park. Visitors will need a current National Parks Pass.

The simplest way to navigate to the cave was to drive to Mole Creek, then turn south onto Caveside Road (sealed). When this reached a T-junction, we turned west onto Wet Caves Road (unsealed). The Honeycomb Cave car park was visible 500 metres ahead.

If you are approaching from Launceston and are familiar with the area, turning onto Caveside Road at Chudleigh may be more scenic.

Main Entrance

The main entrance to the cave was a short descent next to the car park. It led to the banks of a creek flowing into the cave. The view downstream showed sunlight entering from other parts of the cave.


Closer to the road, a track led to an alternative entrance. Once inside, a glow in the distance showed the route to a sinkhole.


Latest visit 26th January 2015
Road Unsealed for 500 metres
Parking Medium
Shelter Yes
Toilets No (go to Mole Creek or Chudleigh)


Walking Stick

The descent into the cave entrance made it impractical so took a little walk around the outside of the hill housing Honeycomb Cave.


Visited the pool at the main entrance without difficulty. The sinkhole took a little effort and care to reach, but had the most interesting cave formations and was worth the effort.


The main cave area was interesting and the major branches easy to explore.  Brisk walking in the near-darkness was not possible. A walk around the outside looking for the various holes was worthwhile and put the inside caves in perspective. Was advised that guided tours are available for a more thorough exploration.

Should I visit?

The accessible parts of Honeycomb Cave are not a walk on their own, but make a good side trip on a visit to Westmorland Falls. Honeycomb Cave may also help you decide if you want to take the tours of Marakoopa Cave or King Solomons Cave, or sign up with Wild Cave Tours.


Under Victoria – Tasmania – Honeycomb Cave

Showcaves – Honeycomb Cave

Wild Cave Tours at Mole Creek

Parks & Wildlife Service Tasmania – Mole Creek Karst National Park

Map of this walk

All photographs from this walk

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