Grassy Wharf parking
Nearest Road: | Grassy Harbour Rd |
Nearest Town: | Grassy |
Locality: | King Island |
Latitude: | S 40° 3′ 48″ |
Longitude: | E 144° 3′ 29″ |
Elevation: | 10 m |
Fee: | No charge |
Road Surface: | Sealed |
Car Park: | Good unsealed |
Water: | Dry |
Toilets: | Flush |
Toilet Accessibility: | Unknown |
Shelter: | Nearby |
Picnic Table: | No table |
Comment: | Drive down Grassy Harbour Rd. Park o where there is a sign for the access to Grassy Harbour Beach. |
2 walks from Grassy Wharf parking
This site is a list of walks, not a walking guide. Before undertaking any walk, consult the references below.
For additional information about safe walking in Tasmania, go to the StepScape tab.
Grassy Wharf walk
Goal: | Grassy Wharf |
Grade: | Flat |
Type: | No defined route |
One-way distance: | 400 m |
Return distance: | 800 m |
Comment: | Use the Grassy Wharf parking if you don't want to walk down from the township. Explore the wharf if operations permit. |
Ken Martin, Walks of King Island, 2 ed., Bas Publishing Pty Ltd, Page 60, Number 17, Grassy to Grassy Harbour
“You may have to contend with trucks and other heavy vehicular traffic from time to time.â€
King Island Maritime trails, Maritime Trails - Grassy Harbour 1972
“'There was a proposal to bulldoze all the buildings into the open cut.'â€
Sandblow Point walk along Grassy Harbour Beach
Goal: | Sandblow Point |
Grade: | Fairly flat |
Type: | Retrace route |
One-way distance: | 2,000 m |
Return distance: | 4,000 m |
Comment: | Follow signed track to the beach. Walk along beach and cross Little Grassy Creek if safe to do so. On to Sandblow Point and return. |
Ken Martin, Walks of King Island, 2 ed., Bas Publishing Pty Ltd, Page 57, Number 16, Grassy Harbour to Sandblow Point
1 hour retrace route
“This walk is preferably undertaken with an offshore wind…â€