Arve Falls car park
Nearest Road: | Hartz Rd |
Nearest Town: | Geeveston |
Locality: | South |
Latitude: | S 43° 12′ 28″ |
Longitude: | E 146° 46′ 10″ |
Elevation: | 800 m |
Fee: | Parks Pass |
Management: | National Park |
Road Surface: | Unsealed |
Car Park: | Good unsealed |
Water: | Unknown |
Toilets: | None |
Toilet Accessibility: | No toilet |
Shelter: | None |
Picnic Table: | No table |
Comment: | About 1.5km past the Waratah Lookout on Hartz Rd. Good parking on east side of road. |
1 walk from Arve Falls car park
Arve Falls Walk
This site is a list of walks, not a walking guide. Before undertaking any walk, consult the references below.
For additional information about safe walking in Tasmania, go to the StepScape tab.
Goal: | Arve Falls |
Grade: | Fairly flat |
Type: | Retrace route |
One-way distance: | 600 m |
Return distance: | 1,200 m |
Comment: | Well marked track through buttongrass plains to lookout. Return same way. |
Anne Nuss and Nell Tyson, Family Bush Walks in Tasmania's Huon Valley, Rivendell Books, Page 38, Number 3, 8 - Arve Falls
30 minutes retrace route
“A scenic lookout has been bult out over the river giving an excellent view of the falls.â€
Parks & Wildlife Service Tasmania, Parks & Wildlife Service Website - Explore our Parks, P&WS, Arve Falls
20 minutes retrace route
“… to the edge of the plateau where the Arve Falls tumble into the valley below.â€
John and Monica Chapman, Short Walks Southern Tasmania, 1st ed., John Chapman, Page 68, Number 21, Arve Falls
30 minutes retrace route
“The main falls are below the lookout and cannot be seen from aboveâ€
Raelene and Rod Newell, Thirty-Five Walks to Waterfalls in Tasmania, 1st ed., Raelene and Rod Newell, Page 8, Number 2, Arve Falls
Mark Hanna, Walk the Huon, Arve Falls
15 minutes retrace route
“Very short walk along a well-made track to attractive falls and creek…â€
Waterfalls of Tasmania, Jubec Systems and Design, Arve Falls
15 minutes retrace route
“… several flights of stairs leading down to a lookout above the falls.â€
TasTrails, TasTrails, Page 5, Number 5, Arve Falls - July 7, 2013
30 minutes retrace route
“A lookout … provides good views of the falls and the valley below.â€
Jan Hardy & Bert Elson, More Family Walks around Hobart, Fully revised ed., Hillside Publishing, Page 72, Number 30, 30 - Arve Falls Lookout
30 minutes retrace route
“to the east the Arve River drops impressively off the escarpment into the valley belowâ€