Mill Dam Parking
Nearest Road: | Milld Dam Rd |
Nearest Town: | Longford |
Locality: | North |
Latitude: | S 41° 34′ 48″ |
Longitude: | E 147° 7′ 14″ |
Elevation: | 140 m |
Fee: | No charge |
Management: | Local council |
Road Surface: | Unsealed |
Car Park: | Good unsealed |
Water: | Stream |
Toilets: | Bush |
Toilet Accessibility: | No access |
Shelter: | None |
Picnic Table: | Picnic table |
Comment: | From Illawarra Rd into Tannery Rd then right into tannery Rd, left into Mill Dam Rd. Park near weir. |
1 walk from Mill Dam Parking
Mill Dam circuit walk from weir
This site is a list of walks, not a walking guide. Before undertaking any walk, consult the references below.
For additional information about safe walking in Tasmania, go to the StepScape tab.
Goal: | Sports Ground |
Grade: | Fairly flat |
Type: | Circuit |
One-way distance: | 3,000 m |
Comment: | Walk south by river. Pass under road and railway bridges to boat ramp, sports ground on to levee bank. North on levee bank over railway, under road. |
Northern Midlands Reserves and Recreation Grounds, Northern Midlands Council, Mill Dam (Reserve/Walkway)
“Mill Dam Reserve is closed to vehicular traffic for the winter period.â€