Mount Dromedary parking on Braslins Rd
Nearest Road: | Braslins Rd |
Nearest Town: | New Norfolk |
Locality: | Derwent Valley |
Latitude: | S 42° 42′ 21″ |
Longitude: | E 147° 3′ 52″ |
Elevation: | 560 m |
Fee: | No charge |
Road Surface: | Narrow unsealed |
Car Park: | Side of road |
Water: | Winter only |
Toilets: | None |
Toilet Accessibility: | No toilet |
Shelter: | None |
Picnic Table: | No table |
Comment: | From New Norfolk head north on Back River Rd to Magra. Left into Black Hills Rd for about 7km, then left into Braslins Rd. Drive to end and park on side of road without blocking gate. |
2 walks from Mount Dromedary parking on Braslins Rd
Mount Dromedary from Braslins Rd
This site is a list of walks, not a walking guide. Before undertaking any walk, consult the references below.
For additional information about safe walking in Tasmania, go to the StepScape tab.
Goal: | Mt Dromedary summit |
Grade: | Moderate |
Type: | Retrace route |
One-way distance: | 7,000 m |
Return distance: | 14,000 m |
Comment: | Continue walking up Braslins Rd past the gate. Stay north of Little March, but then take 4WD track south. Pink tapes mark track to summit. |
Rockmonkey Adventures, Dromedary, Mount - 28 December 2012
2 hours 53 minutes retrace route
“… there's two pink tapes marking the pad to the top.â€
TasTrails, TasTrails, Number 5, Mount Dromedary - January 12, 2017
4 hours circuit retrace
“… fire trails and forestry roads plus one significant climb towards summit.â€
Platform Peak circuit from Braslins Rd
Goal: | Platform Peak summit |
Grade: | Some steep |
Type: | CircuitRetrace |
One-way distance: | 12,500 m |
Comment: | Continue walking up Braslins Rd past gate. Stay north of Little Marsh, then head back west to find walking track to summit. Circuit north and east. |
Denis, Hiking South East Tasmania, Platform Peak
3 hours 25 minutes circuit retrace
“The track descended quite steeply in places … to finally reach a well maintained road.â€
Rockmonkey Adventures, Platform Peak - 26 February 2013
3 hours circuit retrace
“… there are tracks that aren't marked, and ones that are marked but definitely not identifiable…â€