Morgan Rd parking
Nearest Road: | Morgan Rd |
Nearest Town: | Sheffield |
Locality: | North West |
Latitude: | S 41° 19′ 22″ |
Longitude: | E 146° 20′ 47″ |
Elevation: | 300 m |
Fee: | No charge |
Road Surface: | Sealed |
Car Park: | Side of road |
Water: | Dry |
Toilets: | None |
Toilet Accessibility: | No toilet |
Shelter: | None |
Picnic Table: | No table |
Comment: | From Sheffield, Nook Rd to intersection with Marshall Rd. Drive east, then left into Morgan Rd. Park near the boom gate under transmission line. Track starts between 2 boulders 20m south of boom gate. |
4 walks from Morgan Rd parking
Badgers Range Skyline Horse Track Circuit
This site is a list of walks, not a walking guide. Before undertaking any walk, consult the references below.
For additional information about safe walking in Tasmania, go to the StepScape tab.
Goal: | Junction with Horse Track |
Grade: | Challenging |
Type: | Circuit |
One-way distance: | 6,000 m |
Comment: | From power line 'cage' head south on ridgeline track. Drop down towards Jarmans Rd to pick up Horse Track to return to Morgans Rd. |
website, Bushwalk Australia, Badger Skyline Route
“… a good marked route descends to the Horse Track…â€
Badgers Range Skyline walk
Goal: | Badgers Range High Point |
Grade: | Challenging |
Type: | Retrace route |
One-way distance: | 2,500 m |
Return distance: | 5,000 m |
Comment: | From power line 'cage' head south on ridgeline track to highest point. Return along ridgeline. |
website, Bushwalk Australia, Badger Skyline Route
“… quite exciting on a narrow ridge with big conglomerate towers.â€
Morgan Rd to Jarmans Rd along Skyline route
Goal: | Jarmans Rd |
Grade: | Challenging |
Type: | One way pickup |
One-way distance: | 4,500 m |
Return distance: | 9,000 m |
Comment: | From power line 'cage' head south on ridgeline track. Drop down towards Jarmans Rd to pick up. |
website, Bushwalk Australia, Badger Skyline Route
“… a good marked route descends to the Horse Track…â€
Morgans Rd to Jarmans Rd along Horse Track
Goal: | Jarmans Rd |
Grade: | Moderate |
Type: | One way pickup |
One-way distance: | 3,500 m |
Return distance: | 7,000 m |
Comment: | From power line 'cage' head south on Horse Track. Follow signs to end of Jarmans Rd. |
website, Bushwalk Australia, Badger Skyline Route
“The Horse Track itself is a nice short walk for allcomersâ€