Red Hut Rd car parking
Nearest Road: | Red Hut Road |
Nearest Town: | Grassy |
Locality: | King Island |
Latitude: | S 40° 5′ 29″ |
Longitude: | E 143° 59′ 55″ |
Elevation: | 30 m |
Fee: | No charge |
Management: | Private |
Road Surface: | Unsealed |
Car Park: | Side of road |
Water: | Dry |
Toilets: | None |
Toilet Accessibility: | No toilet |
Shelter: | None |
Picnic Table: | No table |
Comment: | About 3km from Grassy (on Grassy Rd) turn south onto Mt Stanley Rd. About 3km, south onto Red Hut Rd. About 5km in, park at fork in track with large fence post with '619' and '680'. 4WD only from here |
3 walks from Red Hut Rd car parking
This site is a list of walks, not a walking guide. Before undertaking any walk, consult the references below.
For additional information about safe walking in Tasmania, go to the StepScape tab.
Collier Beach access walk
Goal: | Colliers Beach access |
Grade: | Moderate |
Type: | Retrace route |
One-way distance: | 500 m |
Return distance: | 1,000 m |
Comment: | There is a shorter walking track and a longer 4WD track to access Colliers Beach. Take care you can find you way back to car park. |
Nano Solutions, Beachsafe, Surf Life Saving Australia, Number 41, Colliers Beach KI 41
“… a 2.3km long beach. There is 4WD access to the eastern end of the beach via Red Hut Rd.â€
Ken Martin, Walks of King Island, 2 ed., Bas Publishing Pty Ltd, Page 34, Number 8, Colliers Beach to Seal Point
“Be sure that you will be able to find your own way back to the carâ€
Collier Beach walk to Seal Point
Goal: | Seal Point |
Grade: | Fairly flat |
Type: | Retrace route |
One-way distance: | 3,500 m |
Return distance: | 7,000 m |
Comment: | Beach walk along to SW end of Colliers Beach. Use 4WD track to reach Seal Point. Return, taking note of tide as big waves can cover the beach entirely |
Nano Solutions, Beachsafe, Surf Life Saving Australia, Number 41, Colliers Beach KI 41
“… a 2.3km long beach. There is 4WD access to the eastern end of the beach via Red Hut Rd.â€
Ken Martin, Walks of King Island, 2 ed., Bas Publishing Pty Ltd, Page 34, Number 8, Colliers Beach to Seal Point
2 hours retrace route
“Colliers Beach is best near low tide as it is difficult to walk on the very soft sand at the top of the beach.â€
Red Hut Point Walk
Goal: | Red Hut Point |
Grade: | Fairly flat |
Type: | Retrace route |
One-way distance: | 800 m |
Return distance: | 1,600 m |
Comment: | Walk around Red Hut Point |
Ken Martin, Walks of King Island, 2 ed., Bas Publishing Pty Ltd, Page 34, Number 8, Colliers Beach to Seal Point
“An alternative walk here is to continue east to Red Hut point first on 4WD track then foot pad to high pointâ€
Nano Solutions, Beachsafe, Surf Life Saving Australia, Number 36, Red Hut Point KI 36
“… an exposed curving 350m long beach, bordered by a 300m long low sand-draped point…â€