Syds Track parking
Nearest Road: | Westrope Rd |
Nearest Town: | Mole Creek |
Locality: | Central Highlands |
Latitude: | S 41° 40′ 39″ |
Longitude: | E 146° 29′ 40″ |
Elevation: | 760 m |
Fee: | No charge |
Management: | P&WS |
Road Surface: | Unsealed |
Car Park: | Rough |
Water: | Dry |
Toilets: | None |
Toilet Accessibility: | No toilet |
Shelter: | None |
Picnic Table: | No table |
Comment: | From Western Creek Road, take Westrope Rd south. At 4km, veer left. Cross Western Creek and continue uphill and pass Western Creek parking. Continue to Syd's Track - currently end of road due damage. |
1 walk from Syds Track parking
Syds Track from Westrope Rd
This site is a list of walks, not a walking guide. Before undertaking any walk, consult the references below.
For additional information about safe walking in Tasmania, go to the StepScape tab.
Goal: | Plateau edge |
Grade: | Long climb |
Type: | Retrace route |
One-way distance: | 2,000 m |
Return distance: | 4,000 m |
Comment: | From Westrope Rd, zig zag twice uphill to end of old 4WD road. Continue uphill on track to plateau. Return. |
Brenda Bourne, Mole Creek and Chudleigh, Website, Syds Track
2 hours retrace route
“… several tracks which climb the face of the Great Western Tiers and offer magnificent views …â€