What’s new in PBPhonics 2.0?

PBPhonics screenshot showing microphone button in action.

The microphone is the big new feature.  We also adjusted the colours and layout.  These updates were released on the 19th of November 2014, for both PBPhonics 1 to 3 and PBPhonics 1 to 7.

(If you are wondering what PBPhonics is, you can find a description on the PBPhonics page.)

The microphone

Because iOS tries to protect you from inadvertent privacy breaches, apps that use your microphone must first ask permission.  So, the first time you launch PBPhonics after the 2.0 update, you will see this:

PBPhonics screenshot saying '"PBPhonics" Would Like to Access the Microphone.  PBPhonics will offer spoken word practice if you allow microphone access.'  Buttons offer 'Don't Allow' and 'OK'.
PBPhonics requesting microphone access on first launch.

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